Fusaschi Michela is Associate professor and teaches Cultural and Political Anthropology in the Department of Political Sciences, Roma Tre University, where she is teaching fellow of the Phd Program in Gender Studies and Director of the Master degree in Public Anthropology. Since two decades she makes research on the issue of the cultural modifications of the body (FGMo and Female Genital Cosmetic Surgery). Particularly engaging in the Italian and European context, she became one of the main author for the anthropology of the so-called FGM/C practices, proposing an interpretative approach based on the concepts of bio-politics and moral economy. Her principal fields are Rwanda, Mali and Italy. She has received several book awards for her contributions on gender and anthropological studies. © Meti s.a.s. - P.IVA 02945910780 www.metionline.com  Fusaschi Michela POSSIEDI UNA LIBRERIA? Vuoi essere informato su tutte le nostre novità attraverso un canale a te dedicato? FGM/C: From Medicine to Critical Anthropology a cura       ISBN 978-88-6484-032-1